Tuesday 16 August 2011

Sometimes we need to give up waiting and go out and get what it is we search.

Hello there!

I've always wanted to start a blog. For some reason or another, I decided that today was the day. I'm not exactly sure what I want to write, but I know that I have to write something. I'm thinking perhaps I should blog about things that inspire me. A lot of things inspire me. My goal with this blog is to inspire one person, somewhere in the world, to do something, or rather, to see that inspiration can be found all around us. If I can inspire someone to be inspired by their own world, I'll be happy.

ANYWAYS, enough about me and my sappy reasons for writing in this blog, let me share my latest source of inspiration (the goal of this blog, I've decided.)

Two words : Oh Land

Oh yes. Nanna Øland Fabricius (better known as her stage name, Oh Land), for those of you who don't know, is a singer-songwriter from Copenhagen, Denmark. I'm not exactly sure where or how I discovered her, but I know it had something to do with Youtube, and that it was recently. Lately, I've been obsessing over Oh Land's music. The very first song I ever heard by her was Rainbow. You should all listen to it, and all of her other songs! Very inspiring, at least to me. :)

Now, on to what Oh Land has inspired me to do.

I recently discovered this, AWESOME website for those who love playing around with fashion as much as I do, www.polyvore.com. Oh Land has inspired many of the outfits on my Polyvore. Particularly, the one called Every Day's an Inspiration (which coincidentally inspired the name of this blog!). That set even contains a picture of the lovely Oh Land.

I suppose that'll be all for today. Thank you so much for reading this, whoever you are! You just made my day :) Don't forget to check out Oh Land, Polyvore and comment on what's inspiring you today!

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